Mole, Wart, Skin Tag, Cancer Removal
Naturopathic Practitioner and a Certified Clinical Master Herbalist

This product is 100% guaranteed to remove abnormal growths on the body.
It is a safe and effective formula, though it can be an intensive process to remove the growth.
Upon purchasing, it is imperative that you read the directions below and follow them accordingly. The paste combines medical grade zinc chloride with bloodroot and other herbs specific to flushing cancer cells from the body.Blood root and zinc are escharotic, meaning they naturally erode raised tissues and tissues that do not belong on the body.
The product will erode the tissues until they are of equal structure and size to the surrounding healthy tissues, yet leave the healthy tissues totally safe and unaffected in the process. Bloodroot contains an active constituent called sanguinarine, which activates the immune system once applied to the skin. The immune system will then be triggered into healing the area of any appropriate condition. Please take pictures to document your process. I am available any time to help and guide you along the way. This will ensure no infection and no scarring during the healing process.
***This formula and direction are copyright and property of Veritas Botanica.***
Considerations before starting
Every 12-24 hours, remove the bandage and very gently wipe the area clean (can use soap or a little H2o2), then repeat and immediately apply again. Complete this cycle until the mole, tag or wart has receded to the same level as the surrounding skin. When you pass your hand over the area, you should no longer feel any protrusion or raised area. The amount of time this takes to happen varies. Some people can take 3 days, others up to 14 days. Continue until it is gone.
Congrats! Your mole or skin tag is flat and healed!
However, for some people, the directions will be different. It is likely that an eschar might form over the growth. If this happens, do not be alarmed!
It’s normal! Just follow the directions below.
Eschar definition:
An open wound/crator of dead puss and diseased tissue that sheds from healthy skin caused by burn or cauterization (or in this case, caused by bloodroot).
If, by chance, after beginning to apply the bloodroot paste, you get an eschar then you need to follow the directions below...
For an eschar wound on the area: If the growth has turned into a full puss formation then STOP APPLYING THE BLOODROOT PASTE. You have reached the goal. If the area is only half puss, apply a tiny amount of paste on the remaining growth for another 24 hours or until the full puss formation has formed over the entire growth. An eschar to the area is fairly common when applied to certain types of moles, so do not be scared of this process, even though it might seem scary, it WILL heal properly IF you follow these directions.o vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
DO NOT MESS WITH THE ESCHAR. Do not pinch it, do not drain it, do not pick it, do not cut into it. Let it be! It will know what to do and it will do it in stages. If you mess with the eschar you will cause scar tissue buildup (not good). Be patient and leave it alone unless you are washing it. When it is ready, it will eject itself and leave a TEMPORARY cavity (hole) in the skin. The tissue in the cavity can look raw and a little frightening. But don’t worry, it’s a natural process and this cavity will fill itself in!! If you follow my direction, it is extremely rare and unlikely that the site will be infected so don’t worry about that. The eschar means the cancer or growth is dead now, but the healing process needs to still take place in the tissues